ویسکومتر کربس مدل KU3 ساخت کمپانی بروکفیلد

ویسکومتر کربس مدل KU3 ساخت کمپانی بروکفیلد

KU-3 Viscometer

1421 ناموجود
  • کد کالا10730
  • راهنمای خرید
  • بعد از خرید این کالا 0 گنج کارت دریافت می کنید
11 تومان تومان
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سری جدید ویسکومتر کربس کمپانی بروکفیلد مدل KU3
The KU-3 Viscometer displays, Krebs units, gram units and centipoise for paints, coatings and inks
Continuous sensing and display in Krebs units, grams, and centipoise.
Magnetic spindle coupling.
Allows rapid sample measurement to determine required consistency.
LED Digital Display of: Krebs Units (increased resolution in 0.1 KU increments), Grams (in 1 gm increments) and Centipoise (cP).
Expanded measurement range (40 to 141 KU; 32 to 1099 g; 27 to 5274 cP).
Accuracy to ±1% of full scale range.
Reproducibility to ±0.5% of full scale range.
Output to parallel printer for automatic test documentation.
Easy to use; no weights; simplifies an established test procedure.
Compatible with industry specification (ASTM D562).
Base accommodates standard pint, ½ pint, and quart cans.
The optional paste spindle is suitable for use with high consistency materials such as roller mill pastes.
NIST traceable viscosity standards available.

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