دستگاه جذب اتمی sensAA کمپانی GBC استرالیا

دستگاه جذب اتمی sensAA کمپانی GBC استرالیا


1903 موجود
  • کد کالا10695
  • راهنمای خرید
  • بعد از خرید این کالا 0 گنج کارت دریافت می کنید
11 تومان تومان
0 گنج کارت
نقاط قوت:
By improving the optics and electronics design the wavelength has been extended (175 to 900 nm). The D2 range has also been extended (175 to 425 nm) thereby enabling more elements to be analyzed using D2 background correction. The slit width is now adjustable from 0.1 to 2.0 nm in 0.1 increments thus effectively allowing 20 slit width settings with normal slit height plus 20 slit width settings with reduced slit height
The SensAA series sets new pre-requisites wth the new Hyper-Pulse Background Correction that allows for more accurate interpolation of "Transient Signals" such as GF signals. The new GCM (gas control module) is fully interlocked with the new fully integrated Spray chamber/liquid trap for added safety
The heart of the SensAA is the patented Application Source which addresses new levels of performance, simplicity and cost savings in AA spectrometry

The SensAA offers touch screen technology and true uncompromised multi-element analysis, returning the highest integrity in results at a fraction of the cost of traditional means. Designed around simplicity, users no longer need to change lamps when changing elements, enabling seamless operation. Application Source offers dramatic savings in source lamp costs and the high intensity D2 lamp offers unrivalled lifetime performance with enhanced operation of up to 1000 hours, even at full current
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