دستگاه XRF مدل X-MET3000 کمپانی OXFORD انگلیس

دستگاه XRF مدل X-MET3000 کمپانی OXFORD انگلیس


1811 موجود
  • کد کالا10688
  • راهنمای خرید
  • بعد از خرید این کالا 0 گنج کارت دریافت می کنید
11 تومان تومان
0 گنج کارت
نقاط قوت:

    Quick quantitative analysis of all restricted elements; Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr and Br
    Bring the analyser to the test site
    Sort Pb-free from Pb-containing components in seconds
    Screen for Pb and Cd in plastic parts
    Plastics recycling: Sort PVC or Br containing plastics in seconds
    Samples can be from small components to bigger parts
    Quick on-site quality control to analyse various other elements like Ag, Cu, Sb, Bi etc. from solder and Cl, Ti, Zn, Se etc. in plastics Analysis Capabilities

:The system is capable of analysing

    Components, connectors, bare-board PCB and populated boards - for presence or absence of Pb
    Solders - incoming bar stock as well as ladle dips and solder balls for Sn, Pb, Cu, Fe, Ag, Bi
    Polymer samples - for Cd, Pb, Br, Hg and Cr. Also other elements commonly found in epoxy and moulded plastics such as Cl, Ti, Fe, Zn, Ni etc
    ID Coatings on frames and fasteners - such as Cr
نقاط ضعف:
امتیازات کاربران
تعداد کاربران رای داده:  0
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