دستگاه XRF مدل Delta Classic کمپانی OLYMPUS

دستگاه XRF مدل Delta Classic کمپانی OLYMPUS


1748 موجود
  • کد کالا10690
  • راهنمای خرید
  • بعد از خرید این کالا 0 گنج کارت دریافت می کنید
11 تومان تومان
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نقاط قوت:
The DELTA Classic Plus with a 40kV tube and Si-PIN detector is ideal for simple applications. The DELTA Classic Plus provides quick ID, screening, sorting, and elemental and metals analysis. The DELTA Classic Plus is a proven, ruggedized analyzer, that is cost-effective, easy to use, and reliable
  • Powerful 4W X-ray tube, 200 µA current (max), optimized beam settings
  •     Tight geometry for exceptional LODs and high analysis throughput
  •     Large-Area SDD and customized X-ray tube options for sensitivity materials
  •     Integrated Bluetooth® for data input and output available in most countries
  •     Lightning-fast data acquisition for faster testing time
  •     USB interface port for high-speed downloads and seamless PC control
  •     Ergonomic rubberized handle for enhanced grip
  •     Docking Station and Hot Swap Batteries

This instrument is great in identify the presence of lead paint on multiple surfaces prior to repair, restoration or painting. It provides a fast and accurate method of measuring Pb concentrations in a multilayer coating without the liabilities of radioactive isotopes. The software-based proximity sensor enables easy measurements on uneven surfaces. With no radioactive sources, the analyzer eliminates isotope loss of speed and high replacement costs
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